If it hurts it is not love by Tikuli

She was 23 when she married for “love”. As a girl she felt the lack of  ”warmth” even though she wasn’t stereotyped for being born a girl. Caged and distraught by the environment she wanted an escape . Unfortunately that escape to freedom chained her for good, emotional and mental abuse, marital rape, seclusion from social life to an extent, discontent due to financial dependence, emotional blackmail, continuous verbal and emotional onslaught by in-laws and no support from her husband became a way of life with her. For years she “ADJUSTED ” and tried to ” mend the relationships” that actually had lost meaning. It weighed heavily on her mind and reflected in her deteriorating health until one day  she decided to break the shackles and face the consequences .

Read the full post by Tikuli here

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1 Response to If it hurts it is not love by Tikuli

  1. tikulicious says:

    Thank you for sharing.

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